Monday, November 21, 2011

"The Day Of The Triffids" by John Wyndham; 7/10

Read By Graeme Malcolm

This is a completely original and fun post-apocalyptic novel, and there really isn't anything else quite like it.  A man wakes up to discover a world in which 1) nearly everyone else is blind and 2) predatory plants are slowly killing the blind masses, before they'll even get a chance to die of starvation. Does that sound like anything you've ever heard of?

The most gratifying thing about this novel was the intelligence of the protagonist. Isn't it nice when you have a main character who is actually not stupid and constantly doing things that make sense to do, rather than your standard Harry Potter type prot who constantly ignores your readerly screams of "JUST TELL DUMBLEDORE" etc.

You've seen movies that make you afraid of that one thing. Psycho made you afraid to shower, Jaws made you afraid of the beach or sharks or whatever. If you read this book, you may never look at plants in quite the same way again. So I guess I recommend it for all of the gardeners out there.

John Wyndham is a very unique and original voice in science fiction, supremely English and bringing a certain amount of charm, wit, and irony to the work that his contemporaries certainly lacked.

This novel was most endearing, and Malcolm's reading was spot-on. I wasn't blown away or anything, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and definitely recommend it. Just because I read a lot of 10s in this period doesn't mean that a 7 isn't still a "really like" on my original scale.

This is the first book that I read on my iPod with the book as an Audible download, both thanks to the gifts of mother, father, stepmother, and girlfriend, and orchestrated by the latter. Thanks everyone, and especially girlfriend! Many more of those to come.

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