Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Selected Stories" by H.P. Lovecraft; NR

 Who selected the stories? I did!

They were:
"The Dunwich Horror"
"The Shadow Over Innsmouth"
"Dreams In The Witch House"

I came across, and after some trouble managed to acquire what I thought was the final copy in central North Carolina of Barnes & Noble's anthology "HP Lovecraft: The Fiction."  Then they just printed a new edition of it. Oh well.

It is a great edition, actually the best anthology of the master's work that I am aware of, because it contains ALL of his fiction writing without exception, as well as introductions taken either from Lovecraft himself or from other writers.  The wonderful thing about getting this, for me, was that I was now free to read any Lovecraft story I wanted to any time.  So I picked out three that seemed advised, and, presto! I read them!

I'd probably rate them as 9's all, but I didn't rate the "collection" because it wasn't an actual collection that you could find and/or read.  I will definitely be reading and reviewing more short stories from this collection in the future, and hopefully temporal proximity will allow me to have a tiny bit more insight into them than "these stories were awesome!"

"Dunwich" is a creature story, "Innsmouth" is a crazy community type story, and "Witch House" is fucking insane. All three may be the best instances of each trope that I am aware of in letters or film.  Of the three, my favorite is probably "Dreams In The Witch House." That Walter Gilman just shouldn't have been spending so much time studying Non-Euclidean Geometry.  Brown Jenkin... shudder.

Just read it. Read all three.  Do it at night, by yourself, when it is stormy outside.  Ideally there will be an unlatched and banging screen or fence door somewhere. Have fun!

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