Wednesday, October 26, 2011

"Rendezvous With Rama" by Arthur C. Clarke; 6/10 [H]

Read By ???

Side story, not specifically related to "Rama,"- I remember being brand new at the book store, first few months there, and a big fuss is made about a very famous author dying. I'd never heard of the guy, hadn't even heard the name, though when somebody said "he wrote the book of '2001: A Space Odyssey'" I said, "oh yeah I've seen that movie." Arthur C. Clarke lived to be a very old and comfortable man in retirement as a writer in Sri Lanka, and died in early 2008. I am now somewhat better acquainted with his work than I was then.

Anyways, the best thing I have ever heard said about this book was said by my great friend Daniel J. Hernandez, but it is a spoiler, so I will quote it at the end of the review.

This is hard sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke at his hardest sci-fi-eyest, writing about what an encounter with an alien race might really actually seriously be like if it happens within a century or two. 

He introduces an interesting concept here, an interesting concept there, but mostly this book is all suspense and revelation.  The characters are uninteresting workmen types, placeholders if you will, which is pretty true in every Clarke novel I've read.  The suspense here is terrifying (I hope it lasts!), and the monkey concept was intriguing. What monkey concept? I'm sorry, you'll have to read the book.

I don't remember who the narrator was and I haven't been able to find out from google searches.  He was alright and not great, if I remember correctly. Passable. I think that recording is out of print anyways, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. 

On the whole this book is an interesting read, but, like Ringworld, though I totally understand conceptually why it is so highly regarded (which it definitely is, btw), I think it may be a tad overrated.



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